Get Beyond Money | Financial Resources

A Young Community Activist in FLL – Brenda Morrison and ULBC-YPN

Written by Tropical Financial Credit Union | Dec 21, 2021

Be the change you want to see. Brenda Morrison is a young community activist in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area. She began working in her community by assisting with a local election campaign as she transitioned from Broward Community College to Florida International University a few years ago. That’s all it took for Brenda to want to see meaningful change happen. She would canvas and speak with residents in her community and get their issues into policy to help create sustainable solutions. Brenda is passionate about being the bridge to helping fix community issues. It is transforming. It doesn't take a lot to care about the community; everyday people can help change policy to create a better society. Anyone can make a change.

Humble beginnings

Brenda started as a shy young lady who didn’t want to be in front of a crowd. She began to figure out issues that needed to be addressed in her community. She realized the power of one person's voice. It goes beyond voting. It is always the right time to engage and join community-based organizations. Brenda joined the Urban League of Broward County’s Young Professional Network (ULBCYPN) and quickly moved up the ranking. She now serves as president of ULBCYPN.

Volunteering in your community, educating people on subjects like food insecurity, opening a small business, or helping the community gain skills to become more marketable are all ways we can serve our community.

"There is power in your voice," Brenda Morrison, community activist and president of the Urban League of Broward County Young Professionals Group.


It begins with a solid foundation

The foundation of Get Beyond Money is to build a community where people can get judgment-free answers to their financial questions. Similar to Get Beyond Money, the Urban League of Broward County helps the community understand pressing questions like:

  • Generational wealth, what is it, and how can one achieve it?
  • Entrepreneurship – how do I open my own business?
  • How do I get capital for my business?
  • How can I get access to affordable housing?
  • What does generational wealth look like for you?

The Urban League allows you to connect with others and educates the community on attaining financial freedom, similar to Get Beyond Money.

The Get Beyond Money Movement

We believe that the Get Beyond Money Movement can help you work towards becoming debt-free and managing finances. Our Get Beyond Money Quiz helps you understand and lower your monthly payments so that you can have financial freedom. We provide solutions to managing your money and giving judgment-free financial advice. One of the most important factors to gaining wealth is understanding the importance of the credit score – it can propel or limit you. Get Beyond Money also provides information on paying down debt, saving, understanding investing, and making personal connections that you can rely on to help you build generational wealth.

Getting involved in the community

Brenda suggests checking out organizations to see if they suit you and your goals. The Urban League of Broward County, Young Professionals Network, is a volunteer auxiliary organization open to anyone 21 to 40 years old. They believe in creating a positive impact in the community, helping the Urban League, and are part of a nationwide network. While the National Urban League Young Professionals helped people in New Orleans after the hurricane earlier this year. If you are looking for an organization that can help make a change, look into joining an organization about community.

We have the power to create, find, or build our community—a place where you can feel a part of a more significant calling. There are people out there who want to help you succeed. What are you waiting for? Join the Get Beyond Money Movement today!